Making a Difference For Kids in Bald Knob

The Bald Knob Youth Program is focused on making a positive experience for the kids of the community.  Bald Knob Youth baseball and softball are in a travel league that participates in the Ozark League (Bald Knob, Cedar Ridge, Midland, Southside, Bradford, Tuckerman, McCrory, Cave City, Newport, and Hillcrest).  Bald Knob Youth is a fun and enjoyable Tball, softball, and baseball program that focuses on teaching fundamentals, teamwork, and most importantly, sportsmanship. 


Players must collaborate to execute strategic plays and support each other on the field.

  • Communication skills
  • Camaraderie and unity
  • Shared responsibility for success and failure
  • Trust and mutual respect


Excellence is achieved through dedication and training.

  • Personal growth
  • Dedication to continuous improvement
  • Development of leadership skills


It is important to develop resilience to overcome challenges, setbacks, and obstacles, ultimately driving athletes towards their goals with determination and grit.


Kids learn the principles of fairness, respect, and integrity, fostering a spirit of mutual appreciation among competitors, regardless of the outcome of the game.


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